Privacy Policy

Our Guarantee

Our 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee is unconditional. Your satisfaction is guaranteed, and that means our guarantee turns your purchase into a “no risk trial.” If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, just contact us and we will make it right. Your money will be fully refunded, plus shipping costs to return it to us.

Privacy Policy will collect information from you ONLY to facilitate the order you are placing for our merchandise. We DO NOT sell or share our information with anyone under any condition.

Your credit card information, billing and shipping address, and any other information we receive from you is encrypted by SECURED TRANSACTION. We serve our Internet customers with the same privacy, courtesy, and sincere appreciation for shopping with us as the customers who have purchased from us for the past almost 15 years.

We have attempted to make your shopping experience here online as pleasurable as if you were with us in person, and we appreciate any suggestions you may offer to help us improve our site for your enjoyment. Please feel free to e-mail,, telephone (800-519-0999) , or drop by to visit us at our shops in Gatlinburg, TN, or at one of the craft shows in which we exhibit.

Security Policy

We want your shopping experience to be enjoyable and secure. The purchase area of our site is secure. This means that any information you send us is protected by encryption. You can always order by telephone or fax too. No matter how you place your order, we want you to have a pleasant shopping experience.