Crushing Your Golden Years

Crushing Your Golden Years

When I talk to the happiest retirees I know, their retirement joy is rarely about the money. On the other hand, when I talk to retired people who are not enjoying retirement, financial stress is often a major culprit. Are you ready for the retirement good life? 

We can argue until the cows come home about whether or not money can buy happiness. Whatever your opinion – money is a major part of a happy, healthy and secure retirement. There are rich retirees who are miserable just as there are many poor retirees who are loving their retirements. Wherever you are on the richness scale, here are some ways to have a more enjoyable retirement.


What do you need for a happy retirement?

First off, you can’t buy love and you can’t buy health. Taking care of yourself and feeling good will make it easier to have an active social life. Friends, family and fun are some of the bedrocks of a happy retirement. Study after study has shown that a strong social connection and a good amount of physical activity are crucial for maintaining health as you age. I recommend that all of my clients think long and hard about how they will fill their days once they aren’t stuck slaving away in an office every day.

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